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Research 2021-24

In primary and secondary schools in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands.

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The research Peer Observation as professional teaching development: Towards a collaborative culture in primary and secondary schools (PeerObserv), funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ref. PID2020-113719RB-100), has as its ultimate objective help create a collaborative culture that promotes peer learning.


The general objective of the proposal is to analyze the effectiveness of the practice of peer observation (PO) for the improvement of teacher professional development (TPD) and to offer resources and guides for its effective use in primary schools and secondary, with the purpose of helping to generate a more collaborative culture that promotes peer-to-peer teaching learning. For this reason, the following specific objectives are specified:

  • Objective 1: Analyze the impact of PO on teaching agency and teachers' perceptions regarding the role of peer collaboration for TPD and institutional.

  • Objective 2: Identify which type of feedback favors reflection on teaching practice (setting goals for improving teaching practice) and its impact on reducing resistance to PO.

  • Objective 3: Analyze if the PO favors the emergence of objectives to improve teaching practice.

  • Objective 4: Analyze if the teaching improvement objectives generated during the PO process are transferred to the teacher's practice.

  • Objective 5: To know teachers' perceptions of the difficulties and benefits of the PO process.

  • Objective 6: Analyze the characteristics of effective PO pairs and describe the implications for effective PO practice as a TPD mechanism.

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