Peer observation
A practice for individual and collective teaching professional development
Previous research
Balearic Islands
During the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 academic years, a first study was carried out with the aim of evaluating the teaching effectiveness of schools in Mallorca, applying the International Observation System ISTOF-II through the observation by experts. The main objective of the research was to observe the teaching processes in several primary education classrooms, with the aim of analyzing and assessing the extent to which the ISTOF-II observation protocol worked in a non-Anglo-Saxon context, as well as detecting good teaching practices. This previous study showed that the use of observation instruments and the use of knowledge from international research on teaching and school effectiveness are mechanisms that serve to promote the improvement of teaching and learning.
With these initial findings, within the framework of the specific collaboration agreement between the Ministry of Education and University and the University of the Balearic Islands for the realization of the research and training project "The effective school and the effectiveness of teaching in the Balearic Islands" (ISTEBI), a research and training program called Peer Observation and Feedback Program (POFEI) was designed. It is framed within the framework of the specific collaboration agreement between the Department of Applied Pedagogy and Educational Psychology of the UIB and the Department of Education and Culture of the Government of the Balearic Islands (with reference number 3363_2016), directed by Dr. D. Reynolds, professor at the University of Southampton and Swansea, member of the working team for this proposal, together with B. de la Iglesia, co‐PI of this proposal.
The program was started from a pilot experience focused on a primary school and a secondary school (De la Iglesia i Rosselló, 2018a),
which facilitated the adaptation of the observation instruments. The program was structured into one awareness session, two follow-up sessions and one final assessment, each of them followed by an observation and feedback session.
The study was extended to 47 PIP centers (Pedagogical Innovation Plan) of the Balearic Islands (2017-2018; 2018-2019) in which non-participant observation was used through the ISTOF-II and several teaching documents were analyzed (ISTOF‐II, records and field notes) (De la Iglesia & Rosselló, 2018b). An evaluation questionnaire was also applied, administered to 45 training advisors and 920 teachers, from the 47 schools that participated in the program.
The study concluded that PO, based on instruments that guide and focus the process on classroom dynamics and actions, adapted to the context to be observed, and followed by quality feedback, enables progress in the creation of more cohesive teaching teams that move towards self-management of training.
It is noteworthy that 86% of the teachers who answered the final assessment questionnaire of the study affirm that they will continue to use observation and feedback as a tool for improving teaching competence. Despite the limitations of the study, the results obtained are promising with respect to the possibilities that PO and the feedback that is generated allow the teachers involved to reflect on their teaching practice, review and expand some skills and conceptions about teaching and learning (Rosselló and De la Iglesia, 2021).