Peer observation
A practice for individual and collective teaching professional development
Feedback session

It is proposed that this meeting be in the form of a conversation, following the scripts suggested for each of the roles (see guides at the end of this page). It should take place within the week following the observation session. A possible structure of this conversation could be:
The observer invites the observee to make a self-evaluation of the session, based on the writing prepared by them, at the end of the observed session.
The observer presents their observations, which can be supported by some evidence such as a couple of video clips (at least of one strong point and some action that requires explanation). It is advisable to bear in mind the recommendations of the roles, indicated in the performance guides.
The observed person actively participates in this dialogue, also following the recommendations of the roles.
​Together, specific aspects of teaching improvement are developed. They need to be few and manageable, specifying the steps that will be followed to try to achieve them.
In case of doing more than one observation session, it is recommended to do the feedback session of the first observation before making the second one, to be able to incorporate the changes that can improve the practice.
For more information on how to provide quality feedback, please refer to the following document.